How To Increase Your Periscope Followers

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Everybody would want to have as many periscope followers as possible right? But just like in any other social media platform across the world, getting those followers is not all that easy as it may sound and as a matter of fact, it is a gradual process. With that said, there are those little things that, when done, can make the difference between a broadcast that is well followed and one that is not. So what are some of these things that one can do to increase your periscope followers?
Well, it is always a two way traffic when it comes to social media and thus it is important for you to watch and also follow other Periscope users. This way, a good number of people will as well follow you back and that is a nice way of increasing your following. Furthermore, it is also imperative for you to engage your viewers more often so as to make them feel relevant in your social circle. By responding to their comments on your content, you will be able to achieve that. Also, you will do well to appreciate the hearts that are sent as a form for appreciation. Always remember to show gratitude for them because this is a good gesture that will always attract new followers for your broadcast.